I’ve spent the last 6+ years writing and developing technical content for a marketing agency’s clients, including a multibillion-dollar telecom brand. I know that even the most innovative product will flop if sales partners don’t get it and customers can’t use it. That’s why I’ve focused on educating and engaging the people who interact with tech products, from the sales associates to the consumers.


The Michelle You Need to Know

Insider Marketing, Dallas, Texas
Technical Copywriter, 2011–2017
Dallas Observer, Dallas, Texas
Editorial Operations Manager, 2005–2010
Editorial Assistant, 2002–2005
Information gatheringAdaptability to changing tasks
Cross-team collaborationCuriosity about the world
Strategic questioningTransparency in discussions
Training and processesReliability on every project
Training modulesPlaybooksProduct simulators
Explainer videosProduct videosFAQs
QuizzesMicrositesSales incentives
Developmental editingCopy editingInterviewing


The Michelle You Want to Know

I hope you’re picking up on the fact that my agency-based skills are well-rounded by my experience at a newspaper. Two totally different environments (hey, I talk about that here) that were both incredibly instructive. Want to hear more about my wicked days at an alt-weekly? Well, you know how to reach me.

Random Facts Rundown
  • I had my tonsils out at age 37. Do not recommend.
  • I still can’t ride a bike; I once had this fact published in Jane magazine.
  • In addition to hot, buttered rolls, I also love popovers, toast, pasta, and potatoes. So, yeah, carbs.

They say sarcasm is linked to intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving. That explains why I’m so spectacular at what I do—my playful, slightly bent sense of humor means I’ve been honing those skills my whole life!

And because you read all the way to the end, I will reward you with the best kind of thing on the internet: a dog selfie.

All the best,